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enable throughput

optimize productivity



Optimize your workforce. Distribute operators. Manage congestion. Dependency awareness. Batch completion. Wave change-over. Exception handling. All things that impede your fulfillment flow easily managed. Warehouse manager: meet your new best friend.


When will my wave complete? Am I on-track? How are my pickers doing? What's my shortage rate? Where are my operators? How's John doing today? What are my exceptions? Who needs help? Where's the hold-up? Have all your questions answered in one spot on your tablet or PC.

03 / PLAN

Collaborative planning. Real-time visibility to progress against plan. For you and your team. Plans change. Interactive collaboration allows for updates with change tracking and approval controls. Plans and projections are dynamically updated and the team is always aware of the latest goals and how they're doing.  

Like to learn more about FlowMS?

Watch our detailed product video below 

FlowMS Introduction
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Decades of distribution experience taught us that hiring more people and investing millions in capital alone is not enough to keep up with the growth of the direct to consumer market and the demands of the modern shopper. Wondering why - when people and equipment were there - the throughput was not achieved, we found the missing piece was flow.

Looked at as the "rocket-scientists" of the multi-channel distribution center, we knew there had to be a better way than staffing control-towers with plethora of people and reports to manage flow in the complexity of the modern multi-channel distribution center.


Leverage what you have.

Your competitive advantage is your people, your processes and the millions of investments in material handling, systems and training.

We know it was painful to get where you are now, and you don't want to start from scratch with new technology, new execution methods and a new way of managing your operation.

Our solutions fill the gaps of the traditional distribution systems with modern technology that can be implemented with zero capital investment, at your pace, leveraging your current investments and building on the experience of your people.


Our software is build on the latest generation of cloud technology.


We bring the technology used by the giants of the net to the world of supply chain software. No more traditional interfaces, flowms uses data-streaming to provide real-time insight. Our uni-directional data-model ensures systems never go out of sync. Secure on-site data-streaming appliance provides for secure data-interchange without the need for external network access or interface development.

Built on Google Cloud Platform security, scalability, compliance and fault tolerance comes standard. Connecting directly to Cloud AI services, machine learning cleanly integrates into the application.



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